Realistic colors and real nights

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His large canvas Sunday Afternoon on the Grande Jatte is a testament to the pointillist style and aesthetic. Look at a detail from Seurat’s La Parade de Cirque to see how this works.

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He and others in the Pointillist group created paintings by juxtaposing points-or dots-of color that optically mixed to form lines, shapes and forms within a composition.

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For example, Pointillism is a style of painting made famous by the French artist Georges Seurat in the late nineteenth century. The point itself can be used as a way to create forms. Our eyes differentiate between the two, and their arrangement has everything to do with how we see a final composition.

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That is, they divide the work between its surface and anything added to it. When an artist marks a simple point on a surface, (also referred to as the ground), they immediately create a figure-ground relationship.

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It can be defined as a singularity in space or, in geometric terms, the area where two coordinates meet. A point is the visual element upon which all others are based.